Archive for technology


Posted in Creativity, Internet, Life, Technology, This May Help U! with tags , , , , , , , , , , , on September 22, 2013 by vixstar1314

I have found no matter how many times I have upgraded idevice onto a new iOS, the process would still make me nervous. Even if the idevice wasn’t mine and it was a director’s or friend’s, the pressure was still so high. Not that I don’t have faith in Apple but the fear of something going terribly wrong lingers. (I have probably done this more than 50+ times). Truth be told most of the times it had been a pretty painless process.

My personal 4 top tips:

– Going back to the previous iOS is not impossible but nor is it an easy process, therefore research the new iOS before you switch and fully commit.

-Ensure you have backed up your idevice. (I also back up the back up)

-Ensure you have an uninterrupted internet connection for at least 2 hours (yes that is how long the whole process “usually” takes to upgrade)

-Be patient. – If it appears that the device has been “stuck” at a step for a long time [leave it – don’t touch it – let it runs its course] If you interrupt it (pull out the cable/close the programme, it will highly likely corrupt it all.

Below are a few interesting articles on the latest iOS7:

Internet – digital footprints

Posted in Creativity, Internet, introspective, Life, Personal, Technology with tags , , , , , , , , , on August 13, 2013 by vixstar1314

Each click we make could potentially be a digital footprint that we are enlarging. Whether it is about yourself or something closely related to you.


We all do it, whether intentionally or unintentionally. It happens. In today’s world we have been made to incorporate it into our lives, whether we want to or not. It is a way of surviving within this techno infested world.


I personally admit I have scattered parts of me into the cyber world. Some parts are broken pieces of me that I no longer know where to put them, and hence have decided to place them into the clouds. The higher I float, the higher it goes. Strangely there are some parts of me on the internet which holds greater depth and meaning than in reality. Furthermore, weirdly enough the internet knows some of my deepest feelings that even those closest to me may not know. How bizarre does that sound?


I ♥ Google

Posted in Creativity, Technology, Thoughts with tags , , , , , , , on June 28, 2012 by vixstar1314

Google has changed our life. At our finger tips a search on google renders results in milliseconds, before our brain can even think of the possible results, it is effortlessly presented before us.

It has even been as successful as coining the term “google” it. Even though there are other search engines, none have been able to match that of google. You rarely if ever have heard anyone say “bing” it.

It is the smartest 13-year-old ever!! The company was founded by Larry Page and Sergey Brin.

However like all technology it is not immune, there will always be threats and competitions. If it is able to be one step ahead of its competitors and predict the market. Or produce even better resources that even the market did not know that they wanted until it was introduced to them then it would have won! For technology to survive it has to constantly adapt and innovate with that of society and markets. They need to constantly develop and change just as the world changes constantly. Without this key it will eventually die out.

  I still believe Google has it still, and highly likely for quite a few more years to come.

Part of me

Posted in Creativity, Internet, Society, Technology, Thoughts with tags , , , , , , , , , , on April 18, 2012 by vixstar1314

Come to think of it, I don’t think I have ever put so much of myself into something “not real”

This blog has over time become more and more integrated into me, or I have become more into it. To be frank I am unclear as to which has influenced which.

In a bizarre way I find comfort in knowing this, I guess this is how innovation in technology has influenced us. This is apparent in many ways, such as blogging, social network, devices have integrated into our life,and in some cases playing a big part in our life than it should.  Many people, and even celebrities and public figures have taken a very strong interest into putting more and more information onto the web via twitter, instragram, facebook etc…

There are times when my blog knows more about me than reality itself which does seem quite strange.

As the “net” closes in

Posted in Creativity with tags , , , , , on January 19, 2012 by vixstar1314

As the “net” closes in.

As the internet expands rapidly, more and more is put onto it, the harder it is to control and monitor it as a whole. There is already so much that has bluntly put it “gotten out of control” In a more logical view there is no way that something so vast can be contained correctly.

Today in the technology aspect something quite big happened:

“19 January 2012 Megaupload file-sharing site is shut down and the founders are charged. Federal prosecutors have accused it of costing copyright holders more than $500m (£320m) in lost revenue.”

The thing is there will just be more and more sites like megaupload, simultaneously there will be more and more new laws about internet upload. As they try to close in on the net.

What does the future hold for this? Well where there is good there is bad. They will constantly try to out do each other.

Technology: A gift or A curse?

Posted in Creativity, Internet, Life, Society, Thoughts with tags , , , , , , , , , , , , , , on June 6, 2011 by vixstar1314

Lately I have read many articles on technology and internet issues.In the past week there have been the following: Some of Google had been hacked in China, Nintendo server being hacked into. A few weeks back, the case of Sony being hacked into and personal information of users were stolen. As technology advances, we find ourselves using it more and more in everyday life, relying on it more and if put into extreme context, we have become totally dependent to it and may at times become slaves to technology. Who can honestly say they do not check their phones or emails at least 2-3 times or more a day? How many of us would say the first thing we grab in the morning before we wake up is our phone?

I am guessing if we actually recorded our own time usage of technology in just one day, we will be shocked. If you think about it this will include: phones, PC, internet, television, gadgets….

The table below show’s how the use of internet has increased dramatically.


World Regions

( 2011 Est.)

Internet Users
Dec. 31, 2000

Internet Users
Mar. 31, 2011

(% Population)





11.4 %





23.8 %





58.3 %

Middle East




31.7 %

North America




78.3 %

Latin America/Carib.




36.2 %

Oceania / Australia




60.1 %





30.2 %

 Technology is like a big block that has numerous compartments that do different things. In very simple view the below rectangle is how my perception of technology is in a very “simple world”. Each one in different shape and size – possessing its own abilities.


“Chicago (IL) – A U.N. report published today states that six in ten people (60%) of the world’s population has a cell phone subscription. The driving growth trend is coming from poor, developing countries. This 60% figure is up from just under 15% in 2002.”

Technology has changed the way we think, interactive, and basically how we live our life because it has become such a big part of our everyday life. Children nowadays have access to so much more technology than years ago. If you think about it, with a PC and internet, a few clicks can transport you to a different world. You can see pictures, music, maps, information about any country in this world, and even out of this world. The use of game consoles have changed the way we interact, in the past kids would play on the streets with each other. Today they would connect using the internet to play games with each other, they would text or message or tweet or skype each other rather than meet up face to face. Meetings at work no longer mean you have to go to a different country or company to see the people face to face, as you can now use video conferencing or Skype.

These have been all due to the way technology has advanced and merged with our life.

As more and more of us input our personal information onto the internet, do we even take a second to think about what kind of risks we are putting ourselves into? How much information our Facebook account has on us? Or Google? or Hotmail accounts? Or Skype? Or online storage? The list goes on.

As technology has further advanced itself, we have been given unlimited access to the “cloud” with sites/applications such as dropbox, opendrive, Zumo drive, and very soon icloud. We will proceed to input greater and more sensitive information onto the internet. The obvious but unconscious issue is that we know we are putting it on there but we do not think about where it is actually going(because that’s the beauty but at the same time flaw of it all).

As we weigh the advantages against the risk of it all, we find ourselves coming to the conclusion that technology does hold many risk(some quite damaging) however the advantages outweigh the risk by a lot hence we continue to find ourselves using it all.

So a gift or a curse, who knows!

What do you think?

It really depends on how you use it, your luck. So let’s just say “Only time can tell.”

[[[ If you enjoyed this post, then you may be interested in another article I have written about technology and beyond….]]]



Cyber world, internet, escape from reality

Posted in Internet, Life, Society, Thoughts with tags , , , , , , , , , , on January 27, 2011 by vixstar1314

Blogging, reading, tweeting, listening to music, watching things like series, movies etc. Could at times be great, why? Because it let’s me for that period of time, say 30mins or 1hour or so, escape to a different place, world, hemisphere. Somewhere that is beautiful but above all different, from reality. I can go into a world where I do not have worries, where there is a different kind of hope. I know this may seem wrong, because we should treasure our life, but far too often it get’s too much that I would rather escape to elsewhere. I guess it is the “easy” option. However eventually you have to come back and when you do you still have to face the same things. But I still choice to be able to escape even for a little while, it’s worth it.

Technology and Internet has changed the world in so many ways, in such a short period of time. I remember when i was younger (lets say about 10 years ago) mobile phones were simple gadgets which were just used to make phone calls, text and had a few additional simple functions like alarm and games. A few years on and we now have phones that can perform the functions of a camera, computer, game console.
Technology has changed people’s way of life too. We now have a dependency on technology. Remember when once upon a time we could remember all birthdays and phone numbers, now I must admit I can just about remember my own number.
I am sure, like many, we now find ourselves unconsciously doing multiple things at one time.
Who watches TV whilst clicking away on their laptop or phone?
Who sits there socializing with their friends whilst texting on their phone?  ( I must admit I rarely do this as I find it rude)
Who can imagine themselves being a wreck if they did not have their phone on them for a whole day?
Guilty!! Guilty!!
This can all seem to be a good thing as we are multi-tasking, however it can also be seen as affecting our concentration as we cannot focus on one thing at a time.
Whether we like it or not we generally have to accept that technology is playing a greater part in all our life.

I am quite sure that most people have accounts on internet sites in the form of mail, social networks, gaming sites, the list goes on….

The cyber world has enabled us to spread our life across the world. Creating a reality and an invisible world.
Internet; WordPress, blogging, twitter etc has provide us with a different hemisphere.
WordPress is like a second you, a place where you can express anything.
Twitter is a bank for thoughts and a place where you feel you ‘know’ celebrity, and where you ‘know’ lots of people who ‘follow’ you.
Whereas Facebook is a bank for your real life.
In today’s society we have all started to live a part of our life in the clouds(internet wise)…

In2 the era of blogging phenomenal ~ It’s gone blog-a-tastic

Posted in Creativity, Internet, Life, Personal, Thoughts with tags , , , , , , , , on April 15, 2010 by vixstar1314

Let us take a moment to marvel on how the creation of internet has changed our life forever, or in greater depth changed the world forever!!!!! ——————————————————————————————————————–

Lately I have come across quite a few articles in magazines and newspapers about blogging, and how immensely popular it has become. ((oh and just in case you have not heard WordPress IS the most popular and used blogging site.. A-Wohoo….)) In that something that started off so simple has transformed so many people’s life.

In some more than others, for example there are people making a living from their blogs (so cool and lucky for them), for some blogging has been like therapeutic sessions ( with several additonal advantages of course, such as not costing a bucket load, and you can have the “sessions” in the comfort of your own home or whenever and wherever it suits you.hehe), those that have “found themselves whilst blogging”,  those that have made friends through blogging, those that have learnt things through reading other blogs, the list goes on…………………

Internet has provided a platform for endless things, one of which being the blogging phenomenal. It’s blog-a-tastic. I think to some extent blogging has changed me. I would say I blog at least once a week, sometimes a bit more if I have time. I find that blogging is an easy way of putting down thoughts, ideas or interesting things that happen and know that it will be kept safe and I would be able to search and look back at the events at a click of a button(or sometimes a few buttons =p) , furthermore I can share ideas and thoughts with others, and vice-a-versa.

So I guess I can safely say we ARE now in a new era where blogging has taken over so many people’s life. I’m quite sure a huge percentage of people blog, whether it’s on a blogging site, in the form of twitter or on facebook. We all do it, even when people say they don’t, they are probably a secret blogger. ;p Haha

So I would like to applaud the creation of blogging, its great, hence why I have today decided to do a post completely dedicated to it. Hehe!

If you happen to be reading this post then I dare to assume that you are a blogger. And would like to ask you what do you blog about? and whether you think blogging has changed you and how! ^_^

Oh and if you read this post and you are not a blogger then I also would like to ask you how comes? hehe

Anyhow whether your a blogger or a non blogger hope you enjoyed this post. Bye bye for now……………

Life Lessons

an Owner's Guide

Destiny Of Life

What makes Life Precious is that it has to end.

Fun in the Fire

On this site, I muse in amusement.

breaths of my soul

Aspiration, the act of drawing breath, a hope or ambition of achieving something. "But it is a spirit in man, And the breath of the Almighty gives them understanding. Job 32:8


Something for Everyone!

BY's Art

Doodling and Drawing Life